Tips to Deal With Clueless Drivers to Avoid Car Accidents

Tips to Avoid Car Accidents

Common sense is essential to get along with other drivers. However, defensive drivers don’t always go well with clueless drivers. Therefore, it can lead to a car accident. Car accidents can result in a serious impact to our body. Find out more about it in this article. Sometimes, the injuries cannot be seen but can be dangerous. So, it’s essential to avoid any car accidents, which the best way is to deal with clueless drivers. Let’s take a look at some helpful tips to deal with clueless drivers to avoid car accidents.

Tips to Avoid Car Accidents

Think Ahead

It is helpful to think about what can happen in this way. They think they need to fill all available seats. The clueless drivers seem incapable of enforcing the buffer rules because they are more concerned about themselves than the drivers’ collective success sharing the road. The end result worsens everyone, and defensive drivers must compensate for the clueless attitude. Anticipation is an important part of becoming a wise driver. In stop-and-go traffic, injuries can be avoided. Ignorant drivers behind you can still cause problems. If I’m driving down the road and someone rear-ends me, my first alternative is to move to a slower lane.

Drive Defensively

One of the best adventures in driving is going with the flow. It is enjoyable and relaxing. There is no stress in trying to pass other cars to get to a destination. The ideal solution would be to switch to the ideal lane when you have a queue. If you are on the heels of a car next to you, they may want to cut in front of you. If so, get them as far away from you as possible. Angry drivers can cause problems, not only for you, but for themselves as well.

Keep Distance

Tips to Avoid Car AccidentsWhat unsuspecting drivers don’t see is that everyone slows down the closer they get to the vehicle in front of them at a higher speed. I have since read something new. One suggestion from AARP is to stay three minutes or more behind the vehicle you are following. As I drove along and discovered that, assuming I kept more than one car length, I started counting. It’s obvious once you think about it. It takes at least three seconds to react and stop the vehicle. This process goes on until everyone gets too close to the vehicle in front.…

What To Do When The Car Doesn’t Start In Cold Weather

jeep on road

Freezing cold weather can take a toll of the car battery, oil and fuel. This explains why you should be prepared for the winter season and any car problem that may arise.

Read the following article to learn what to do when your car will not start in cold weather.

· Turn off all electrical accessories

Begin with closing all the car door and turning off all electrical accessories including the radio, heater, headlights and defroster. This helps to maximize the starting power

· Turn on the key to start

If the engine starts immediately, great but if it does not, do not hold the key any longer than 10 seconds as overworking the starter can make it to overheat. If the engine does not crank, wait for a few minutes before trying again.

· Allow the battery to recover if the car still fails to startcars

If the car does not start after 10-20 seconds of cranking, wait for about two minutes before attempting again. This allow the battery to recover, mostly, it allows the starter motor to recover.

If the car is getting close to starting but is a little sluggish, allow it to rest for a while then try again but if the battery does not make any effort to turn the engine, it maybe be discharged and you need to jump it.

If after trying several times the starter is still sluggish, you will need to heat up the batter. Warming the battery sufficiently to increase its available amperage can take up to 2 hours.

· Jumping a dead battery

If the battery fails to start completely, the battery is could be dead and you will need to jump start it. To do this, you need a set of jumper cables and a running car to complete the jump.

Position the running car close to the car with the dead battery with the front ends facing each other.

· Hook the jumper cables to the right terminals

Connect the + symbol on the jumper on the prospective terminal on both cars and attach the – symbol to the negative terminals.

Let the dead battery charge for a few minutes and when starting the car with the dead battery, rev the running car a bit.

· Try to start the car with the dead battery

If it starts great, if not, check to ensure the jumper cables are connected properly before letting the running car run again and try restarting again.

Now disconnect the cables with the engine in the both cars still running for a few minutes to make sure the both batteries charge enough for another start.

snowing area

Consider replacing the battery

Car batteries have a lifespan usually about for years, therefore, it fails to start after the above two attempts, consider replacing it.…